
What frog courtship can tell us about human small talk

If you've ever heard the boisterous courtship sounds being made at night by male frogs gathered around a pond or "watering hole" to attract mates, you may have noticed some communication similarities to those of humans enjoying ...

"Supershedders" role in spreading E. coli scrutinized

Though you can't tell just by looking at them, some of the cattle grazing in a pasture, or noshing high-energy rations in a feedlot pen, may be "supershedders"—meaning they shed high levels of pathogenic Escherichia coli—such ...

Fish communities key to balancing nutrients in coral reefs

(Phys.org) —Coral reefs are among the most productive—and imperiled—ecosystems in the world. One of the many threats they face is pollution from runoff and poorly treated wastewater, which upsets the delicate balance ...

Dolphin whistle warnings

A team of researchers in Italy, Portugal, Spain, France, Britain and the United States has demonstrated that remotely monitoring the acoustical structures of dolphin vocalizations can effectively detect "evolutionarily significant ...

Detecting oil spills sandwiched in Arctic ice

Decreasing ice cover is currently spurring increased activity in hydrocarbon extraction and shipping in the Arctic. Motivated by the threat of future oil spills in this environmentally sensitive area, Woods Hole Oceanographic ...

Physicists provide experimental proof of theorized Efimov states

Some years ago, Rudolf Grimm's team of quantum physicists in Innsbruck provided experimental proof of Efimov states – a phenomenon that until then had been known only in theory. Now they have also measured the second Efimov ...

Insect community driven by plant hormones

Plants are not solitary, defenceless organisms but rather the centre of a vibrant community consisting of tens or even hundreds of insect species. Plants possess a wide range of defence mechanisms that are activated in response ...

Physicists show unlimited heat conduction in graphene

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (MPI-P) in Mainz and the National University of Singapore have attested that the thermal conductivity of graphene diverges with the size of the samples. This discovery ...

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