
Mathematicians Solve 140-Year-Old Boltzmann Equation

(PhysOrg.com) -- Two University of Pennsylvania mathematicians have found solutions to a 140-year-old, 7-dimensional equation that were not known to exist for more than a century despite its widespread use in modeling the ...

Study shows costs and benefits of testosterone in birds

Do nice guys finish last, or will the meek inherit the earth? A new study published in The American Naturalist suggests that, at least for birds, the right answer is somewhere in between.

A table top 3D laserprinter for glass microsystems

Dr. Yves Bellouard of the Department of Mechanical Engineering is coordinator of a new European project, Femtoprint, to be started this month. The goal is to design a convenient 3D laser printer that will print microstructures ...

New forensics research will help identify remains of children

New research from North Carolina State University is now giving forensic scientists a tool that can be used to help identify the remains of children, and may contribute to resolving missing-persons cases, among other uses. ...

Here Comes the 3D Camera

It’s not a pun: we are truly entering a new dimension of technology with the 3D digital camera developed by the researchers of Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) in Trento, Italy.

No guy-in-a-bar iPhone story in Vietnam

(AP) -- This time it's not a crazy story about a guy who left a phone in a Silicon Valley bar. The latest clamor over a possible next-generation iPhone prototype has erupted in an unlikely place - Vietnam.

Academic probation hits college guys harder

Male college students, especially those who had done well in their high-school classes, are much more likely than females to drop out when placed on academic probation after their first year in school, according to a researcher ...

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