
Molecular robots on the rise (w/ Video)

Researchers from Columbia University, Arizona State University, the University of Michigan and the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have created and programmed robots the size of single molecule that can move ...

Not a fish story: Protected corals increase fishing profits

The Wildlife Conservation Society today announced findings from a study showing that closures and gear restrictions implemented in fishing areas can increase fishery revenue and net profits. The landmark findings, presented ...

Adobe fires another shot in war with Apple

Adobe fired back at Apple on Thursday over the refusal by the maker of the iPod, iPhone and iPad to allow the US software giant's widely used Flash video product to run on the devices.

Fossil find fills in picture of ancient marine life

Paleontologists have discovered a rich array of exceptionally preserved fossils of marine animals that lived between 480 million and 472 million years ago, during the early part of a period known as the Ordovician. The specimens ...

Cellular Workouts Strengthen Endothelial Cells' Grasp

(PhysOrg.com) -- University of Pennsylvania bioengineers have demonstrated that the cells that line blood vessels respond to mechanical forces -- the microscopic tugging and pulling on cellular structures -- by reinforcing ...

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