
New tool could help scientists dig deeper for prized crop genes

A new computer application (app) from Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists could speed the search for genes that underpin important crop traits, like high yield, seed quality and resistance to pests, disease or ...

Saving the world with fish fingers

Smothered in ketchup or squished into a sandwich, there's one tasty convenience food that's hard to resist. With over 1.5 million of them eaten every day in Britain, fish fingers are one of the nation's favorite foods. Now ...

How T cells make sure they have quiet time

All cells, like all people, need "quiet" time to function properly, and this is particularly true of T cells, one of the immune system's main weapons. They must be ready for activation at all times, and primed to divide more ...

Puzzle about nitrogen solved thanks to cometary analogs

One of the basic building blocks of life is nitrogen. An international consortium was able to detect ammonium salt containing nitrogen on the cometary surface of Chury thanks to a method using analogs for comet material. ...

What causes an ice age to end?

New University of Melbourne research has revealed that ice ages over the last million years ended when the tilt angle of the Earth's axis was approaching higher values.

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