
How cellular machinery labels proteins for degradation

Proteins are molecular work horses in the cell that perform specific tasks, but it is essential that the timing of protein activities is exquisitely controlled. When proteins have fulfilled their tasks, their degradation ...

NASA's Mars 2020 rover goes coast-to-coast to prep for launch

NASA's next Mars rover has arrived in Florida to begin final preparations for its launch to the Red Planet this July. Two Air Force C-17 Globemaster cargo planes carrying the Mars 2020 rover as well as the cruise stage, descent ...

Image: 'Pale Blue Dot' revisited

For the 30th anniversary of one of the most iconic views from the Voyager mission, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, is publishing a new version of the image known as the "Pale Blue Dot."

Machine learning implemented for quantum optics

As machine learning continues to surpass human performance in a growing number of tasks, scientists at Skoltech have applied deep learning to reconstruct quantum properties of optical systems.

Scientists develop first electrically-driven 'topological' laser

Scientists and engineers from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) and the University of Leeds in the U.K. have created the first electrically driven topological laser, which has the ability to route ...

Dams overflow as Australia braces for more floods

Dams near Sydney overflowed Thursday after days of torrential rain, as Australia braced for more storms expected to bring dangerous flash flooding to the country's east.

In Norway, bottles made of plastic are still fantastic

One at a time, the elderly lady places her empties into the gaping hole of a machine at the entrance to an Oslo supermarket. With a well-functioning deposit system, Norway recycles almost all of its plastic bottles.

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