
Neuron-like activity detected in an unforeseen place

The cells under Sanford M. Simon's microscope could easily be mistaken for neurons—they sport the characteristic long branches, and blips of light indicating bursts of calcium traveling from cell to cell. But looks can ...

Romosexuality: Embracing queer sex and love in Ancient times

Greek homosexuality has been set upon a pedestal, deemed a worthy and respectable model for romance by philosophers, writers and lovers alike. The reality is, though, that love and sex for the queer community owe more to ...

New nanosensor detects cancer biomarkers in drop of blood

Looking for cancer biomarkers in blood is a promising method for detecting metastatic cancer. It is less demanding than imaging techniques like MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). The main challenge to overcome is the extremely ...

Simple single-step N-terminal modification of proteins

Proteins are widely used in medicine, biology and chemistry. Enhancing their inherent properties by adding functional molecules to their structures is a common and important step in many fields. For example, adding fluorescent ...

A fast light detector made of two-dimensional materials

Two research groups at ETH Zurich have joined forces to develop a novel light detector. It consists of two-dimensional layers of different materials that are coupled to a silicon optical waveguide. In the future, this approach ...

Rethinking fire with data analytics and systems design

From record-setting fires in the western United States to the devastating and still-blazing bushfires in Australia, it is increasingly apparent that society must forge a new relationship with fire. Factors that include changing ...

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