
Probing the function of key proteins

"Kinase inhibitor" drugs, which target a class of enzymes that are crucial to keep cells running, make up one of the great success stories of modern medicine.

Wastewater solutions eyed for Ghana agriculture

Ghana's water supply is devastatingly vulnerable to the point where, one Western researcher believes, the country's 25 million people could soon be at risk – "an alarming thing we should all be concerned about."

A prion-like protein discovered in bacteria

(Phys.org)—A pair of researchers at Harvard Medical School has found an instance of a bacterial protein that behaves like a prion when inserted into another type of bacteria. In their paper published in the journal Science, ...

Researchers discover how plants assemble tannins

Tannins in plants have health benefits and impact the taste of fruits and drinks like tea and wine. While tannins themselves are well known, no one has ever known how plants actually put them together—until now. A team ...

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