
How old is our moon?

Most scientists agree that the Earth has pretty much always had its moon. Details of the moon's composition (in particular the "isotopic mixture" of heavier and lighter versions of various elements) are too similar to the ...

What can history tell us about today's infrastructure crisis?

On Tuesday, the University of Virginia's Miller Center released the eighth volume in its far-reaching First Year Project, an ongoing initiative to provide nonpartisan, history-based insight into major issues facing the next ...

Researchers discover self-assembling 2-D and 3-D materials

Self-assembly of matter is one of the fundamental principles of nature, directing the growth of larger ordered and functional systems from smaller building blocks. Self-assembly can be observed in all length scales from molecules ...

Electron diffraction locates hydrogen atoms

Diffraction-based analytical methods are widely used in laboratories, but they struggle to study samples that are smaller than a micrometer in size. Researchers from the Laboratoire de cristallographie et sciences des matériaux ...

Researcher hunts DNA on Mars

Astrobiologist alumna Alexandra Pontefract, PhD'13 (Geology), knows finding DNA on the Red Planet will be no easy feat. But it is possible. What's more, if DNA is found, it's not far-fetched to think it would be proof of ...

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