
When flowers reached Australia

New research has revealed that Australia's oldest flowering plants are 126 million years old and may have resembled modern magnolias, buttercups and laurels.

Scientists use night vision to save bats

High-resolution radar and night vision cameras may help scientists protect bats from untimely deaths at wind farms, according to new research.

The 'right' whale to save

You may have heard that Earth's current sixth mass extinction stems from human causes, but what does this actually look like? I present to you Exhibit A: North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis), a species disappearing ...

(Noise)less is more

A group of researchers from Osaka University led by Prof. Masayuki Abe and Prof. Hiroshi Toki of the Graduate School of Engineering Science developed a high precision 3-D circuit simulator in the time-domain for quantifying ...

Fukushima clean-up reduces radiation levels, but not all

Clean-up efforts at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant, destroyed by a massive earthquake and tsunami in 2011, have significantly reduced radiation levels but untreated forested areas remain a problem, scientists said Thursday.

Net zero: climate-saving target or delay tactic?

With the European Union set to decide whether to adopt a plan to green their economies and achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, how does carbon neutrality relate to the climate crisis?

Experiments in evolution

A new find from Patagonia sheds light on the evolution of large predatory dinosaurs. Features of the 8-meter-long specimen from the Middle Jurassic suggest that it records a phase of rapid diversification and evolutionary ...

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