
Ghost imaging speeds up super-resolution microscopy

Researchers have used advanced imaging approaches to achieve super-resolution microscopy at unprecedented speeds. The new method should make it possible to capture the details of processes occurring in living cells at speeds ...

Best of Last Year: The top Phys.org articles of 2019

It was a great year for research of all kinds as a team of astronomers from around the globe delivered the first photo of a black hole. Over several days in April 2017, eight radio telescopes in Hawaii, Arizona, Spain, Mexico, ...

Time to explain country in Indigenous Australian terms

It's time to write about Indigenous Australian place relationships in a new way—in a language that speaks in Indigenous terms first, to convey a rich meaning of Country and best identify its deep ecological and social relevance ...

New insights to major disease pathways

Flinders researchers have made major inroads into finding the cause of heart disease, Alzheimer's, cancer, diabetes and other diseases after discovering a further 148 proteins affected by oxidative stress in the human body.

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