
Non-line-of-sight imaging with picosecond temporal resolution

Usually, the traditional optical imaging strategies can only image the target objects within the field of camera. However, through the non-line-of-sight (NLOS) which can record the time-of-flight information about single-photon, ...

Using aluminum and water to make clean hydrogen fuel

As the world works to move away from fossil fuels, many researchers are investigating whether clean hydrogen fuel can play an expanded role in sectors from transportation and industry to buildings and power generation. It ...

Novel technique seamlessly converts ammonia to green hydrogen

A research team led by Professor Guntae Kim in the School of Energy and Chemical Engineering at UNIST has announced a breakthrough in technology that efficiently converts liquid ammonia into hydrogen. Their findings have ...

Heat wave hits Northwest, sending people to cooling centers

People headed to cooling centers Wednesday as the Pacific Northwest began sweltering under another major, multiday heat wave just over a month after record-shattering hot weather killed hundreds of the region's most vulnerable ...

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