
Singapore to ban sale of elephant ivory from 2021

Singapore said Monday it will impose a blanket ban on the domestic sale of elephant ivory and products from 2021 as the government tightens its campaign against illegal wildlife trade.

States brace for long-term flood fight as damages mount

After devastating flooding this year, Iowa funneled $15 million into a special fund to help local governments recover and guard against future floods. Missouri budgeted more money to fight rising waters, including $2 million ...

Great Lakes' latest pollution threat: Microplastics

A new contaminant has turned up in western Lake Superior—tiny snarls, tangles and shreds of plastic that are appearing by the hundreds of thousands, mystifying scientists and Minnesota pollution regulators.

Archaeologists exiled from Syria mourn the cost of war

I used to be a Near Eastern archaeologist working in Syria. Nowadays, I am stuck in academic purgatory, observing from a great distance as the country burns, unable to help protect its history or its present.

Pedagogies in bilingual education

In the Netherlands approximately 130 out of 700 secondary schools offer a bilingual stream. However, research about CLIL (content and language integrated learning) is limited. With her dissertation Evelyn van Kampen (Ph.D. ...

When naproxen breaks down, toads croak

A new study in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry takes a harder look at the effects a common anti-inflammatory medication and its degradation products have on amphibians. There have been many studies that review the ...

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