
Supercapacitors turbocharged by laxatives

An international team of scientists, including a professor of chemistry from the University of Bristol, has worked out a way to improve energy storage devices called supercapacitors, by designing a new class of detergents ...

Icebergs delay Southern Hemisphere future warming

New research, published today in the journal Nature Climate Change, has found that Antarctic icebergs can weaken and delay the effect of Global Warming in the Southern Hemisphere.

Researchers refute theory of collective (non-)action

Democracy, environmental protection, peace—the great issues of our time are collective goods that can only happen if many people make a voluntary contribution. However, the theory of collective action, which has been held ...

Scent brings all the songbirds to the yard

Chickadees can smell! That is the news from a study out of Lehigh University, the first to document naturally hybridizing songbirds' preference for the scent of their own species.

Genomic research unravels mystery of invasive apple snails

Biologists from Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) have led a study to sequence and analyse the genomes of four apple snail species in the family Ampullariidae. The researchers discovered that the apple snails have evolved ...

A licence to parent?

It's a comment we often hear in response to stories of child neglect: that parenting should require a licence.

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