
Oxymoronic black hole RGG 118 provides clues to growth

Astronomers using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and the 6.5-meter Clay Telescope in Chile have identified the smallest supermassive black hole ever detected in the center of a galaxy, as described in our latest press release. ...

Microresonators could bring optical sensors, communications

Researchers have solved a key obstacle in creating the underlying technology for miniature optical sensors to detect chemicals and biological compounds, high-precision spectroscopy, ultra-stable microwave sources, and optical ...

Elastic drug delivery technology releases drugs when stretched

Researchers from North Carolina State University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have developed a drug delivery technology that consists of an elastic patch that can be applied to the skin and will release ...

Revealing the "Secrets of the Universe" in IMAX theaters

A unique IMAX 3D experience that seeks to answer the most essential questions about the universe is just few steps away from being released with an ambitious intention to inspire the inner scientist in every one of us. The ...

A look at stock market scams using the latest technology

Stock scams are about as old as the market itself, but the combination of worldwide information technology and automated programs that can make thousands of trades in a second has created new paths for potential frauds. The ...

Devastating bird flu threatens US poultry farmers

Amish chicken farmer Ura Gingerich begins each day by lantern light, but his simple life of tradition is threatened by a modern scourge that has devastated the US poultry industry.

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