
Novel techniques examine solar cells with nanoscale precision

Using two novel techniques, researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have for the first time examined, with nanometer-scale precision, the variations in chemical composition and defects of ...

Smarter use of mobile data

The data constantly collected and reported by smartphones can find numerous applications. An SNSF-funded project devoted to crowdsensing has found ways to improve privacy and localisation accuracy as well as reduce the impact ...

Detecting water in space and why it matters

Miguel Pereira Santaella, Research Associate at the Oxford University Department of Physics, discusses his newly published work observing never before seen water transitions in space. He breaks down how the discovery will ...

Quantum theory for manipulating nanomagnets

Researchers at the Department of Physics, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, have created a theory that predicts the properties of nanomagnets manipulated with electric currents. This theory is useful for future quantum ...

The seven most extreme planets ever discovered

Scientists recently discovered the hottest planet ever found – with a surface temperature greater than some stars. As the hunt for planets outside our own solar system continues, we have discovered many other worlds with ...

Subsea pipelines make fish safe havens

A first-of-its-kind study led by The University of Western Australia into the ecological value of offshore infrastructure has revealed that subsea pipelines in north-west Australia provide safe havens for commercially important ...

Research shows protein on U.S. native grasslands in decline

There is an alarming trend on America's rangelands due to grazing and changing climate, and it's already costing producers almost $2 billion annually, according to recently published work by a Texas A&M AgriLife Research ...

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