
Dogs are able to follow human gaze

Dogs are known to be excellent readers of human body language in multiple situations. Surprisingly, however, scientists have so far found that dogs do not follow human gaze into distant space. Scientists at the Messerli Research ...

Monitoring phytoplankton growth in lakes from orbit

New research shows how satellite images can be used to improve water quality monitoring campaigns in lakes and provide new insights into local, transient biological processes such as algal blooms.

Towards characterization of grass and crops from orbit

Estonian researchers and farmers start to investigate together with the German Aerospace Center novel methods for characterization of grass and crops from data acquired by the German radar satellite formation TanDEM-X.

A bright light for ultrafast snapshots of materials

If you want to understand how novel phases emerge in correlated materials, including high-temperature superconductivity and nanoscale electronic order, you can obtain completely new viewpoints by taking 'snapshots' of underlying ...

Professor and students use oculus rift to improve online learning

Penn State engineering students have been working to develop an immersive virtual reality (IVR) system called Oculus Rift and test how this system and others may enhance student learning both on campus and online. The group ...

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