
Efficiently smuggling drugs into cells

A new, patented method called Progressive Mechanoporation makes it possible to mechanically disrupt the membranes of cells for a short time period and let drugs or genes inside cells. In this way, researchers can test new ...

Scaling down ionic transistors to the ultimate limit

The human brain is a vast network of billions of biological cells called neurons which fires electrical signals that process information, resulting in our senses and thoughts. The ion channels of atomic scale in each neuron ...

Prehistoric megafloods smaller than assumed

Mighty floods have carved out deep canyons on Earth. New research suggests this may have required less power than previously thought. Collecting such data, however, may be demanding.

Research team investigates causes of tuberous sclerosis

Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC) affects between one and two of every 10,000 new-born babies. This genetic disease leads to the formation of benign tumors which can massively impair the proper functioning of vital organs ...

Prehistoric horses, bison shared diet

University of Cincinnati researchers studied the teeth of prehistoric horses and bison in the Arctic to learn more about their diets compared to modern species.

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