
Two new environmental observation systems for shippers

Two southeast Louisiana shipping hubs critical to the U.S. economy will see the installation of NOAA's Physical Oceanographic Real Time System (PORTS) this week. The new multi-sensor systems will increase navigation safety ...

Researchers clarify impact of permafrost thaw

As the Earth's climate continues to warm, researchers are working to understand how human-driven emissions of carbon dioxide will affect the release of naturally occurring greenhouse gases from arctic permafrost. As the perennially ...

Study suggests caution over asset test changes

Research into attitudes to retirement saving suggests the federal government's plan to tighten the assets test for the age pension may not have the desired effect.

Women drivers closing the mileage gap

While men still drive more miles annually, women are slowly catching up, says a University of Michigan researcher.

Microplastics 'pollution puzzle' in PNAS News feature

In May, PNAS published an article that describes how research developed from finding unexpectedly high numbers of plastic particles in the marine environment to developing methods for identification and to effect assessment ...

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