
Fuel aerosols reducing pollution of the environment

A resource-efficient technology for the production of fuel aerosols has been developed at Tomsk Polytechnic University. The development can be used to quickly ignite the boilers of thermal power plants and boiler houses, ...

New smart sensor to help farmers spot lameness in sheep

A new smart wearable device that can automatically detect lameness in sheep is being developed by veterinary researchers at the University of Nottingham and industry partners Intel and Farm Wizard.

Research finds social media users actually calm down

Contrary to conventional wisdom, people tend to wind down rather than whip themselves into a frenzy while browsing Facebook and Twitter, according to a prize-winning dissertation by a newly minted Ph.D. from UC Berkeley's ...

New exotic phenomena seen in photonic crystals

Topological effects, such as those found in crystals whose surfaces conduct electricity while their bulk does not, have been an exciting topic of physics research in recent years and were the subject of the 2016 Nobel Prize ...

GeoCarb—a new view of carbon over the Americas

A new NASA Earth science mission in the early stages of design may achieve a transformational advance in our understanding of the global carbon cycle by mapping concentrations of key carbon gases from a new vantage point: ...

The nanoscopic structure that locks up our genes

For decades, scientists could only speculate about the shape of heterochromatin, a type of chromatin that consists of tightly packed DNA and proteins. Recently, however, researchers from the Okinawa Institute of Science and ...

New research opening for atomically thin metal nanostructures

Researchers at the Nanoscience Center at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, have made a new opening in nanomaterial research. Opening's essence resides in the exclusive use of metallic elements in flat, atomically thin ...

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