
New study could offer helping hand for picky parrots

New research has shown just how picky the iconic superb parrot is about the types of tree hollows they nest in, with the discovery potentially key to protecting the threatened species.

Black holes gain new powers when they spin fast enough

General relativity is a profoundly complex mathematical theory, but its description of black holes is amazingly simple. A stable black hole can be described by just three properties: its mass, its electric charge and its ...

Climate models overestimate natural variability

By looking at satellite measurements of temperature changes in the lower layer of Earth's atmosphere, scientists found that climate models may have overestimated the decade-to-decade natural variability of temperature.

Hundreds of fish examined to detect parasitic transmission

Researchers of the SAIGAS (Service for the Analysis, Research and Management of Wild Animals) Group of the Faculty of Veterinarian Sciences of the CEU Cardenal Herrera (CEU UCH) University of Valencia recently published the ...

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