
SpaceX ready to take four astronauts to ISS Saturday

Three NASA crew and one Japanese astronaut are set for launch aboard a SpaceX rocket Saturday, bound for the International Space Station in the program's first six-month routine mission since the United States resumed crewed ...

Destruction of murder hornets nest doesn't end threat

When scientists in Washington state destroyed the first nest of so-called murder hornets found in the U.S., they discovered about 500 live specimens in various stages of development, officials said Tuesday.

Report sounds an alarm on ongoing decline of US coral reefs

A first of its kind assessment of coral reefs in U.S. waters is again sounding the alarm over the continued decline of these sensitive underwater ecosystems, which scientists deem essential to the health of the world's oceans ...

Building your professional brand in a prestigious job

Researchers from HEC Montreal and York University published a new paper in the Journal of Marketing that examines how people who attain "prestigious" posts in high-profile organizations can manage their professional brands ...

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