
Bringing out the color in zinc to expand its potential properties

Zinc is an important element that is found widely in biological systems, is cheap to manufacture relative to other metals, and has low toxicity. However, unlike other similar metals that exhibit a variety of vibrant colors ...

Central star in a planetary nebula reveals details of its life

Stars like our sun end their lives as white dwarfs. Some of them are surrounded by a planetary nebula consisting of gas ejected by the dying star shortly before its death. An international research team led by Professor Klaus ...

Illuminating the dance of RNA with ultrabright X-rays

DNA, RNA, and proteins are three pillars of molecular biology. While DNA holds genetic instructions and proteins put these plans to action, RNA serves as the messenger and interpreter. DNA is transcribed to RNA, which then ...

High-throughput terahertz imaging: Progress and challenges

Lying between the infrared and millimeter wave regimes, terahertz waves possess many unique properties, prompting numerous compelling imaging applications, such as non-destructive testing, security screening, biomedical diagnosis, ...

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