
The reasons behind crime

More punishment does not necessarily lead to less crime, say researchers at ETH Zurich who have been studying the origins of crime with a computer model. In order to fight crime, more attention should be paid to the social ...

Building strong research infrastructures for the future

A recently completed EU project has made a significant contribution towards improving Europe's long term research capabilities. Knowledge generation and innovation directly depend on the quality and availability of research ...

Laser technique enables 3-D analysis, natural color images

A new technology invented to automate the laborious process of preparing plant roots for phenotyping has morphed into a powerful tool for exploring the three-dimensional structure of small objects. Now, two former Penn State ...

More salmon and more hydropower

Norwegian research shows that it is perfectly possible for rivers to produce more salmon and electricity at the same time: a new environmental handbook shows the way.

Uniformity: The secret of better fusion ignition

One of the ways to achieve thermonuclear fusion is through a controlled reaction between two light variants of hydrogen, called deuterium and tritium. Mauro Temporal, from the École Normale Supérieure Cachan, in France, ...

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