
A new method for the formation of fluorinated molecular rings

Dyes, pharmaceuticals, and functional materials are generally based on innovative molecules made by chemists. For their production, several chemical reactions are available, but there are limitations. For example, fluorinated ...

De-jargonizing program helps decode science speak

Science is fascinating to many, but sentences that are full of expert-level terms and description can scare away even the most passionate readers. Can scientists learn to talk about their research without using too many technical ...

Portable nanospectrometer for detecting dangerous compounds

Guido Verbeck, UNT associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry, patented an algorithm that works with a high-tech tool to detect the location of chemical streams. Now, he's using it in technology that can detect not ...

Researchers use neural networks for odor recognition

Researchers from the HSE Laboratory of Space Research, Technologies, Systems and Processes have applied fast-learning artificial intelligence systems to odour recognition and developed an electronic nose device capable of ...

Moving objects at the nanoscale using thermal regions

Researchers report that it is possible to move a nanoparticle on the surface of a graphene sheet by applying a temperature difference at the ends of the membrane—a nanocluster on the surface will drift from the hot region ...

Social psychology sheds light on Trump's appeal

The surprising election of Donald Trump prompted a widespread desire to understand the factors at play in his unexpected victory, with various analyses attributing his win to strong support among economically deprived voters.

Decision systems that respect privacy, fairness

Increasingly, decisions and actions affecting people's lives are determined by automated systems processing personal data. Excitement about these systems has been accompanied by serious concerns about their opacity and threats ...

No longer king of the jungle: New fund to aid Africa's lions

Senegal's Niokolo-Koba National Park is home to fewer than 50 lions after years of poaching decimated not only them but also their prey. Small patches of lion skin are sold at local fetish markets for $10, and their bones ...

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