
Guam research aids native trees

Guam-based research has made its way to the July issue of the national scientific journal HortScience. The work was conducted in the University of Guam's Western Pacific Tropical Research Center (WPTRC), and focused on experimentally ...

Study finds the origin of 'odd-even' effects

(Phys.org)—The most intriguing property of nano-scale organic devices is their tunability. Their properties can be tweaked by changing the organic structure. There have been several studies exploring the organic structure ...

Protein-engineered gels mimic body's own functions

The U.S. Army Research Laboratory's Army Research Office (ARO) recently awarded a New York University Polytechnic School of Engineering researcher a grant to advance protein-engineered, environmentally responsive hydrogels ...

See Venus at her most ravishing

Venus is HUGE right now but oh-so-skinny as it approaches inferior conjunction on August 15. Like crescents? You'll never see a thinner and more elegant one, but first you'll have to find it. Here's how.

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