
EXPLAINER: When is Manhattanhenge? Where can you see it?

Didn't make it to Stonehenge for the solstice? There might still be time to catch Manhattanhenge, when the setting sun aligns with the Manhattan street grid and bathes the urban canyons in a rosy glow.

Root-farming gophers might be our closest agricultural relatives

Although you'll probably never see them, you can spot them by the tell-tale mounds of sandy soil dotting a field: pocket gophers. Beneath your feet, the gophers continuously create and remold a labyrinth of winding tunnels ...

DNA typewriter taps out messages inside cells

While developing a new system for recording within cells, geneticist Jay Shendure and his team decided to give it a test run by using it to encode text. Since their invention relied on a nearly brand-new recording medium, ...

How gas nanobubbles accelerate solid-liquid-gas reactions

Solid-liquid-gas reactions are common in various natural phenomenon and industrial applications, such as hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell reactions, heterogeneous catalysis and metal corrosion in ambient environments. However, the ...

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