
Molecular controller switches off genetic material

(Phys.org) -- Genetic material has many inactive sections that are of major importance for cell identity and genome stability. The HP1 protein takes on key functions in shutting down such genomic sequences. In the latest ...

Hubble spots a bright spark in a nearby spiral galaxy

(Phys.org) -- This image, taken by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, shows a detailed view of the spiral arms on one side of the galaxy Messier 99. Messier 99 is a so-called grand design spiral, with long, large and clearly ...

Giant reef fish found to be marine head-butters

(Phys.org) -- Because humans have a history of disrupting marine environments when they move into an area, mainly due to overfishing, few places in the oceans of the Earth remain as they were before people arrived. And because ...

Does austerity pain actually deliver long-term gain?

An Oxford University-led study examining the consequences of the ongoing fiscal squeeze in Western economies is looking to the past to inform the present, with two academics from Victoria's School of Government providing ...

Theorem unifies superfluids and other weird materials

(Phys.org) -- Matter exhibits weird properties at very cold temperatures. Take superfluids, for example: discovered in 1937, they can flow without resistance forever, spookily climbing the walls of a container and dripping ...

Researchers developing new type of internet search engine

(Phys.org) -- Computer scientists at the University of Glasgow are participating in a new project to develop a search engine which will draw its results from sensors located in the physical world.

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