
Saving desalination membranes from minerals and microbes

Treating seawater with selected chemicals before desalination could reduce biofouling and lengthen the lifespan of filtration membranes. Identifying the components of membrane antiscalants that cause biofouling could help ...

Exploring the soundscapes of other planets

You may know how other planets look, like the rust orange, dusty surface of Mars or the vibrant teal of Uranus. But what do those planets sound like?

When it comes to satellite data, sometimes more is more

There are roughly 7,000 satellites whizzing around Earth, scanning our planet's surface and generating hundreds of terabytes of data every day. These satellites are operated by many different governments and commercial entities, ...

Report: Securing a sustainable future for kelp forests

Into the Blue: Securing a Sustainable Future for Kelp Forests global synthesis report is the most comprehensive knowledge review on kelp to date, revealing the state of science on the world's kelp forests and providing recommended ...

Study examines what drives good deeds

Every day, we face a series of opportunities to do the right thing. Sometimes we seize those moments; other times, we don't. So, why do we make these choices, and what drives some people to take the moral high ground?

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