
Sandcastles of star-shaped motes are stable structures

Duke graduate student Yuchen Zhao has spent the last year studying such "sandcastles of stars"—towers crafted from hundreds of six-armed stars or "hexapods" which bear a remarkable resemblance to the jacks you might have ...

Process analysis in real time

The automated detection of products or by-products directly during the process has become an indispensable part of monitoring production processes. Mass spectrometry is a quick and selective method of analyzing compounds ...

Possum personality is key to survival

A groundbreaking approach to predicting the behaviour of wild animals after relocation may provide a major boost to conservation programs in Australia.

Scientists bore into dinosaur-era asteroid crater

Sixty-six million years ago an asteroid smashed into Earth releasing energy equivalent to 100 million nuclear bombs and creating a massive dust cloud that blocked out the sun for more than a year.

Scientists study the effects of 2015 wildfires

When wildfire ripped through two UC Davis natural reserves last summer, scientists conducting research there first took a pained look to see if their months or years of research just went up in flames. Then they did what ...

Scientists create a new way to categorize music

A team of scientists from McGill University, the University of Cambridge, and Stanford Graduate School of Business developed a new method of coding and categorizing music. They found that people's preference for these musical ...

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