
NRL position unique elliptic-orbit TacSat-4 satellite for launch

Naval Research Laboratory spacecraft personnel make final preparations to ready the TacSat-4 spacecraft for a May 2011 launch. Transported March 1, to the Kodiak Alaska airport via an Air Force C-17 and trucked to the Alaska ...

Smart materials for high-tech products

Flexible and independently operating "smart materials" can adapt to changing conditions with high speed. The Fraunhofer Adaptronics Alliance is presenting promising solutions at Hannover Messe (April 4-8), in Hall 2, Stand ...

Creatures from the deep exposed

An academic from the University of Plymouth has helped unravel the largely unexplored weird and wonderful world of deep-sea marine life.

Keeping carbon in check

Researchers developed a comprehensive technique to monitor changes in organic carbon found in soil over large areas of land. The team of scientists, including Cesar Izaurralde and Tristram West at Pacific Northwest National ...

Speed demon creates a shock

(PhysOrg.com) -- Just as some drivers obey the speed limit while others treat every road as if it were the Autobahn, some stars move through space faster than others. NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE, captured ...

Dawn gets Vesta target practice (w/ Video)

There is an old chestnut about a pedestrian who once asked a virtuoso violinist near Carnegie Hall how to get to the famed concert venue. The virtuoso's answer: practice!

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