
Hawaiʻi phones capture data in Tonga volcano blast

The explosion of the underwater volcano Hunga Tonga-Hunga-Haʻapai on January 15, released a blast "sound" wave that reverberated through Earth's atmosphere and was recorded around the world by monitoring stations—and smartphones. ...

California sizzles in February heatwave

A heatwave was bringing unseasonably high temperatures to California on Thursday, sending sun-worshippers to the beach, but also sparking a brushfire.

Colombia eyes 200 tonnes of galleon gold

Colombia took a step Thursday toward recovering a long-lost Spanish wreck and its fabled riches, but it may be a rough ride as Spain and native Bolivians have also staked claims on the booty.

Australia warns koalas 'endangered' as numbers plunge

Australia officially listed koalas across a swathe of its eastern coast as "endangered" on Friday, with the marsupials fighting to survive the impact of bushfires, land-clearing, drought and disease.

Officials: Avian flu strain at Indiana farm hasn't spread

A strain of avian flu that can cause high mortality rates among birds hasn't spread to neighboring farms since it was confirmed at a commercial turkey farm in southern Indiana, state officials said Thursday.

EXPLAINER: Olympics show complexity of sustainability claims

To stage the Winter Games in the Chinese capital, organizers embarked on a massive public works campaign, constructing new venues and piping millions of gallons of water up into the arid surrounding mountains to create fake ...

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