
A new quantum switch for electronics

A Russian physicist and his international colleagues studied a quantum point contact (QCP) between two conductors with external oscillating fields applied to the contact. They found that, for some types of contacts, an increase ...

Evaluating environmental predictors of western U.S. wildfires

As the western United States becomes hotter and drier, wildfires in the region are becoming more frequent and severe. In addition to causing acute, local impacts on people and property, the fires can adversely affect the ...

Biosensors monitor plant well-being in real time

Researchers at Linköping University, Sweden, have developed biosensors that make it possible to monitor sugar levels in real time deep in the plant tissues—something that has previously been impossible. The information ...

Bringing bad proteins back into the fold

A study led by UT Southwestern has identified a mechanism that controls the activity of proteins known as chaperones, which guide proteins to fold into the right shapes. The findings, published online today in Nature Communications, ...

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