
E.T.s may be headed toward Earth, but are we ready for them?

Twenty years from now we might get a call from aliens. In 2017, a powerful radio transmission was aimed at exoplanet GJ 273b, thought to be able to support life. Its message, sent by the alien-hunting group Messaging Extraterrestrial ...

Children develop prejudice at an early age

Children in the Netherlands develop prejudices based on ethnicity at an early age. Ymke de Bruijn came to this conclusion in her dissertation "Child Interethnic Prejudice in the Netherlands: Social Learning from Parents and ...

Why mothers opt to stay in flood-prone Houston neighborhoods

A new book, " In Too Deep " (University of California Press, $29.95, 268 pages) from Rice University sociologist Rachel Tolbert Kimbro, dean of the School of Social Sciences, explores the lives of a group of mothers in a ...

Genome research: Finding the invisible

LMU researchers have developed a method to extract more information from sequencing data. This will afford deeper insights into biology.

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