
Fossils reveal ancient shrublands in fiery landscape

New fossil evidence shows that Australia's fire-prone shrubland open vegetation originated at least 70 million years ago – 40-50 million years earlier than previously thought.

Electrically induced arrangement improves bacteria detectors

Viruses that attack bacteria—bacteriophages—can be fussy:They only inject their genetic material into the bacteria that suit them. The fussiness of bacteriophages can be exploited in order to detect specific species of ...

Bacteriorhodopsin crystals consume their smaller counterparts

A group of biophysicists from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) and their international colleagues have studied the crystallization of molecules of the membrane protein bacteriorhodopsin. They have demonstrated ...

Cloudy with a chance of warming

Clouds can increase warming in the changing Arctic region more than scientists expected, by delivering an unexpected double-whammy to the climate system, according to a new study by researchers at NOAA, the University of ...

New theory of Okinawan coral migration and diversity proposed

A team from the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST), led by Group Leader Chuya Shinzato in Professor Noriyuki Satoh's Marine Genomics Unit, has analyzed the genome of 155 samples of Acropora ...

Why Bitcoin's founder matters, as spotlight hits Australian

Since the founding of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin in 2009, its inventor—or inventors—have been shrouded in mystery. For six years, that individual or group has lurked behind the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto and hoarded a ...

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