
A twist on atomic sheets to create new materials

The way light interacts with naturally occurring materials is well-understood in physics and materials science. But in recent decades, researchers have fabricated metamaterials that interact with light in new ways that go ...

Designing cities for 21st-century weather

Weather extremes, such as heat waves and torrential rainfalls, are becoming more frequent and more intense across the United States under climate change.

Adding oxygen to a lake to explore methane emissions

Lakes around the world emit methane to the atmosphere, accounting for up to 19% of total global emissions of this potent greenhouse gas. Most of the methane in lakes comes from microbes in the lake bed that consume dissolved ...

How underground fungi shape forests

A large study involving 43 research plots in the Forest Global Earth Observatory (ForestGEO) Network—including a swath of trees at Tyson Research Center, the environmental field station of Washington University in St. Louis—has ...

Pioneering automated proteoform imaging

Investigators led by Neil Kelleher, Ph.D., professor of Medicine in the Division of Hematology and Oncology and of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, have developed an automated technique for imaging and identifying proteoforms ...

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