
This index measures progress and sustainability better than GDP

Conventionally, economists use gross domestic product (GDP) to estimate the sustainability of the economy and the quality of societal welfare. However, this approach is not only incorrect and logically flawed, but also in ...

Uncovering the role of the ilio-sacral joint in frogs

A trio of researchers, two with the Royal Veterinary College, the other the University of Portsmouth, has found evidence that suggests that the ilio-sacral joint in frogs evolved after they started jumping. In their paper ...

Chromosome responsible for asparagus gender characterized

Garden asparagus is, from a financial perspective, the most important asparagus species of all. Its cultivation area is equal to that of garlic, carrots and eggplants, making it decisive for the asparagus sector.

The threat of centaur solar system objects for the Earth

Astrophysicists Mattia Galiazzo and Rudolf Dvorak from the University of Vienna, in collaboration with Elizabeth A. Silber (Brown University, U.S.) investigated the long-term path development of centaurs, solar system minor ...

Controlling chemical reactions near absolute zero

It is an understatement to say that chemical reactions take place everywhere, constantly. In both nature and the lab, chemistry is ubiquitous. But despite advances, it remains a fundamental challenge to gain a complete understanding ...

Cost of climate-linked disasters soars: UN

The economic cost of climate-related disasters hit $2.25 trillion over the last two decades, an increase of more than 250 percent compared to the previous 20 years, the UN said Wednesday.

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