
Harnessingthe properties of a remarkable 2-D material

Characterizing the thermal properties of crystalline molybdenum disulfide, an important two-dimensional (2-D) material, has proven challenging. Now researchers from A*STAR have developed a simple technique that could pave ...

Textured LED gives green light to Li-Fi

Standard light-emitting diodes (LEDs) used for home lighting can now transmit data more rapidly between electronic devices, thanks to new research from A*STAR.

Jupiter-mass planet orbiting giant star discovered

(Phys.org)—An international team of astronomers has discovered a Jupiter-mass alien world circling a giant star known as HD 208897. The newly detected exoplanet was found as a result of high-precision radial velocity measurements. ...

Growing a startup with a big impact from a tiny fungus

Entrepreneur Tyler Huggins grew up in rural Montana in a family of loggers and miners. But he wanted to have a larger impact on society as a whole, so he decided to launch a startup. He looked at many options, but they just ...

The structural mystery of scandium fluoride illustrated

Whoever said rules were made to be broken wasn't a physicist. When something doesn't act the way you think it should, either the rules are wrong, or there's new physics to be discovered. Which is exactly what UConn's Connor ...

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