
Cellular transport routes

Unlike many other organisms, plants can't simply run away from environmental conditions that change for the worse. Nonetheless, plants have the ability to react to environmental effects. These reactions are initially subtle, ...

Yoda bat officially recognised as new species

An unusual breed of fruit bat—previously nicknamed 'Yoda' due to its resemblance to the Star Wars Jedi Master—has now officially been registered as a new species and renamed the happy (Hamamas) tube-nosed fruit bat.

What changes minds about climate change?

Seventy percent of Americans now believe global warming is occurring, and more than half understand that it is mainly caused by human activity, a new report reveals. This is an improvement over 2013, said Edward Maibach, ...

A wheeled robot to monitor grape growth

Just like great wine needs time, great grapes require continuous attention and reliable assessment tools. Noting the absence of a convincing alternative to manual sampling and analysis, an EU consortium has developed VineRobot, ...

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