
Researchers take quantum encryption out of the lab

In a new study, researchers demonstrate an automated, easy-to-operate quantum key distribution (QKD) system using the fiber network in the city of Padua, Italy. The field test represents an important step toward implementing ...

More 'fairness' needed in conservation

New research shows what is often assumed to be 'fair' in conservation practice may not be considered so by the very people most affected by it—and a new approach is needed if protected areas are to be effective.

Endangered blue whales recorded off southwest coast of India

Research from the University of Washington shows that endangered blue whales are present and singing off the southwest coast of India. The results suggest that conservation measures should include this region, which is considering ...

Ceramics provide insights into medieval Islamic cuisine

Organic residues on ceramic pottery are a valuable resource for understanding medieval cuisines of Islamic-ruled Sicily, according to a study published June 9, 2021 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Jasmine Lundy of ...

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