
Withdrawal of rivers and lakes is faster near cities

The depletion of water resources (e.g., rivers and lakes) is more rapid and evident in proximity of urban areas and, away from cities, it gradually decreases. A research group from the University of Bologna analyzed 30 years ...

Mitochondria efficiently adapt to changing metabolic conditions

A recent study explains an essential component for proper mitochondrial function: The protein complexes MICOS and ATP synthase can communicate with each other. Dr. Heike Rampelt and Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Pfanner at the Institute ...

Want to impress on Valentine's Day? Then make sure to wear red

Sexual attractiveness is a preoccupation that clings to us throughout our daily lives. Today's social media obsession with perfect beauty makes being attractive and feeling attractive seem all the more important. Being attractive ...

Nanotube films open up new prospects for electronics 

Physicists from MIPT and Skoltech have found a way to modify and purposely tune the electronic properties of carbon nanotubes to meet the requirements of novel electronic devices. The paper is published in Carbon.

New insights into the biology of New Zealand's pilot whales

Each year New Zealand experiences mass strandings of long-finned pilot whales along its shoreline. Exactly why these whales strand remains unclear. However, new biological insights into these phenomenal events has just been ...

Black death mortality not as widespread as believed

The black death, which plagued Europe, West Asia and North Africa from 1347 to 1352, is the most infamous pandemic in history. Historians have estimated that up to 50 percent of Europe's population died during the pandemic ...

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