
Software diagnoses battery health and remaining life

High-performing batteries are capable of propelling vehicles for hundreds of miles, storing electricity for the electric grid or running powerful electronic devices for several hours. A significant gap exists in knowledge ...

Timing a sextuple quasar

Quasars are galaxies with massive black holes at their cores around which vast amounts of energy are being radiated. Indeed, so much light is emitted that the nucleus of a quasar is much brighter than the rest of the entire ...

Non-invasive sinusitis diagnostics in sight

Sinusitis is a very common disease. Most frequently, it can be successfully treated with decongestants and antiinflammatory drugs. Only prolonged infections related to bacteria should be treated with antibiotics. Unfortunately, ...

Driving metabolic pathways on with sunlight

Most life forms are directly or indirectly dependent on photosynthesis. The question is, can we exploit sunlight more broadly than in carbohydrate production, making it effectively a synthetic biology part? As an answer to ...

Many worlds, subterranean edition

One of the richest lines of research for those thinking about life beyond Earth has been the world of microscopic creatures that live in especially extreme and hostile environments here. The realm of extremophiles has exploded ...

New technology selects high-affinity proteins

Kobe University and the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) in Japan have developed a technology enabling the selection of proteins with a high affinity for drug target molecules (also ...

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