
Mexico experts: passageway may lead to Aztec ruler's tomb

A Mexican archaeologist said his team has found a tunnel-like passageway that apparently leads to two sealed chambers, the latest chapter in the search for the as-yet undiscovered tomb of an Aztec ruler.

Belgium extends lives of ageing nuclear reactors

Belgium agreed to extend the life of two ageing nuclear reactors for another decade under a hard-won deal to preserve jobs and invest in the transition to cleaner energy.

Christmas period may reduce quality of life for many Europeans

Many Europeans do not experience the run-up to Christmas as a particularly jolly time, and often feel despondent and stressed, reports a new study published in the Springer journal Applied Research in Quality of Life. However, ...

Unfriending on Facebook more likely from politically active users

Leaving politics at the door when talking to friends is a great rule for maintaining a friendship, but that may not be the case when it's a virtual door on Facebook. When large politically important conflicts play out in ...

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