
How Gen Z are using the past to feel positive about the future

Gen Z loves nostalgia. Sentimentally for things of the past is not a new phenomenon nor is it an emotion reserved for Gen Z. But it would appear, judging by the amount of coverage on the topic, that Gen Z have got it bad. ...

Heavy payload balloon lifted to near-space heights

A high-altitude scientific balloon containing 1.2-ton payloads was lifted into the sky and reached an altitude of 30km in a demonstration test that helped validate the payload capacity of a near-space balloon platform.

Quantum dots form ordered material

Quantum dots are clusters of some 1,000 atoms which act as one large "super-atom." It is possible to accurately design the electronic properties of these dots just by changing their size. However, to create functional devices, ...

Land-based climate plans 'unrealistic': report

The world needs to set aside an area bigger than the United States for tree planting and other measures to meet climate pledges, according to research published Tuesday that warned against "unrealistic" carbon-cutting plans.

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