
Rapid analysis of kidney stones

Kidney stones rank among the most common illnesses. Their recurrence might be prevented with the right postoperative care. However, for this to be effective, composition of the stones should be known. Fraunhofer researchers ...

Scientists' discovery could have powerful effect on electronics

The field of quantum mechanics deals with materials at atomic dimensions, and big discoveries often happen at a very small scale. Researchers in the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science, in collaboration ...

Low-cost wafers for solar cells

Silicon wafers are the heart of solar cells. However, manufacturing them is not cheap. Over 50 percent of the pure silicon used is machined into dust. A new manufacturing technique developed by Fraunhofer researchers puts ...

Researchers recover wasted proteins from rice starch production

Proteins remain after starch is extracted from rice. Until now, this valuable raw material was disposed of by rice starch producers at great expense. A new process is being developed to split proteins into smaller pieces, ...

Lighting the way to your car

On the new BMW 7 Series, a lighting system featuring a striped pattern of ground illumination makes it easier to enter the vehicle in the dark. Fraunhofer researchers have developed special microoptic lenses for this application ...

Positioning systems improve airport logistics

An airport apron bustles with traffic. The tow tractors, tankers and buses moving busily around an aircraft run the risk of colliding. An enhanced positioning system will increase safety and the efficiency of logistical operations ...

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