
Solving a long-standing biological search problem

How the cell can mend broken DNA using another DNA copy as template has puzzled researchers for years. How is it possible to find the correct sequences in the busy interior of the cell? Researchers from Uppsala university ...

Warming Atlantic forces whales into new habitats, danger

Warming oceans have driven the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale population from its traditional and protected habitat, exposing the animals to more lethal ship strikes, disastrous commercial fishing entanglements ...

Resuming geographic mobility will boost knowledge transfer

Among the casualties of the COVID-related decline in geographic mobility is effective knowledge transfer, that could have saved billions of dollars to companies across the world. According to research by Gianmario Verona, ...

Encapsulated NiCo alloy nanoparticles catalyzing HDO reactions

The conversion of abundant biomass and their derivatives into high value-added fuels and chemicals is envisaged as a promising green avenue to reduce our reliance on conventional fossil resources. Among them, the pyrolysis ...

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