
Video: Next-generation spacesuit design

Movement really moves Richard Fineman, a fourth-year Ph.D. student in the Harvard-MIT Program in Health Sciences and Technology. Using wearable sensors and a range of complex modeling tools, Fineman is able to measure and ...

Mapping endangered red knots' remote breeding habitat

The rufa subspecies of Red Knot travels from its breeding grounds in the Canadian Arctic to its winter habitat in South America and back each year, an incredible 15,000 kilometers each way. Its numbers have fallen precipitously ...

NASA's MISR views raging fires in California

More than a dozen wildfires are burning in the state of California, with several of them threatening life and property. The Ferguson Fire ignited July 13 in the Sierra National Forest west of Yosemite National Park. Much ...

Study confirms that island birds have bigger brains

A team of researchers from Sweden, Canada and Spain has found evidence suggesting that birds that live on islands tend to have bigger brains than their mainland cousins. In their paper published in the journal Nature Communications, ...

Made in Fukushima: Japan farmers struggle to win trust

The pumpkin is diced, the chicken carved and the eggs beaten into an omelette, but the people preparing the food are not chefs—they are scientists testing produce from Japan's Fukushima region.

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