
Modeling research identifies potentially profitable bioproducts

Imagine a new and improved biorefinery, one that produces advanced biofuels as environmentally sustainable as they are economically viable. In the biorefinery of the future, every step of the pipeline is optimized, almost ...

Sri Lanka reverses hybrid car incentive

Sri Lanka Wednesday sharply increased customs duties on imports of the top-selling Japanese hybrid car, in an apparent shift in its policy of encouraging greener vehicles.

Image: Prepping to launch for the sun

NASA's Parker Solar Probe has cleared the final procedures in the clean room before its move to the launch pad, where it will be integrated onto its launch vehicle, a United Launch Alliance Delta IV Heavy. This is an historic ...

Electricity crisis leaves Iraqis gasping for cool air

As the stultifying summer heat sends Iraqis in search of cool spots, restaurateur Ali Hussein provides sanctuary—even though it means hooking up to an expensive generator.

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