
Researcher measures earthquakes in the oceans

On a ship off the coast of Bermuda, Frederik Simons, an associate professor of geosciences at Princeton University, fastens a rope around a six-foot-tall white cylinder affixed with solar panels and various wires suspended ...

Using fast particles to probe hot matter in nuclear collisions

The hottest matter that existed in the early universe after the Big Bang is created in collisions of high-energy nuclei. Using information on the propagation and attenuation of fast particles coming from the collisions, nuclear ...

Scientist develops a rapid test for the Hendra virus in horses

Horses suspected of carrying the deadly Hendra virus will have results in ten minutes rather than up to 36 hours, thanks to a rapid diagnostic test developed by University of the Sunshine Coast researcher, Joanna Kristoffersen.

What does your poop say about your evolution?

What does the bacteria in animal guts have to do with ecology? It turns out quite a bit more than you might expect. What does your poop say about your evolution? Is the microbiome the next big thing in ecology?

Paper examines climate risk and the fossil fuel industry

Burning coal, oil and natural gas is responsible for two-thirds of the world's greenhouse gas emissions. Yet these same fuels are also the economic mainstay of resource-rich countries and the world's largest companies. According ...

Image: Majestic solar eruption larger than Earth

A gigantic ribbon of hot gas bursts upwards from the Sun, guided by a giant loop of invisible magnetism. This remarkable image was captured on 27 July 1999 by SOHO, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory. Earth is superimposed ...

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