
Zapping orange peel oil into new, pleasant aroma compounds

As oranges are peeled, they spray a tangy, citrus scented oil into the air. The main compound in the fragrant mist is limonene, which can be collected from discarded peels and used in flavorings, perfumes and all-purpose ...

Unprecedented level of insight into plasma edge phenomena

Producing energy and heat using plasma fusion is one of the promising technologies for the transition to sustainable energy sources. One of the challenges is managing the temperatures in the plasma edge. Ph.D. researcher ...

Long-banned toxic chemicals remain a global threat

A new analysis by researchers at Masaryk University, the University of Toronto, and NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) has found most countries are not on track to remove their stocks of highly hazardous polychlorinated ...

Astronomy team finds evidence of galactic metal shrouded in dust

A thorough understanding of galaxy evolution depends in part on an accurate measurement of the abundance of metals in the intergalactic medium—the space between stars—but dust can impede observations in optical wavelengths. ...

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