
'Quiet' light

Spectrally pure lasers lie at the heart of precision high-end scientific and commercial applications, thanks to their ability to produce near-perfect single-color light. A laser's capacity to do so is measured in terms of ...

Virtual lens improves X-ray microscopy

With X-ray microscopes, researchers at PSI look inside computer chips, catalysts, small pieces of bone, or brain tissue. The short wavelength of the X-rays makes details visible that are a million times smaller than a grain ...

Microbes help make the coffee

When it comes to processing coffee beans, longer fermentation times can result in better taste, contrary to conventional wisdom. Lactic acid bacteria play an important, positive role in this process. Other species of microbes ...

Video: How shaving cream works

Whether you rock sideburns or baby-smooth legs, all shavers share one concern—the threat of razor-sharp metal. But luckily, shaving cream packs the right chemistry to keep us looking good while protecting our sensitive ...

Enzyme warps space to break the cell's speed limit

Johns Hopkins researchers have found that rhomboid enzymes, which are special proteins that cut other proteins, are able to break the "cellular speed limit" as they move through the cell membrane. Rhomboid enzymes do this ...

Variations in seafloor create freak ocean waves

Florida State University researchers have found that abrupt variations in the seafloor can cause dangerous ocean waves known as rogue or freak waves—waves so catastrophic that they were once thought to be the figments of ...

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